Self Care
Take care of your Feelings
Find a friend or a support group who has experienced divorce – talk it out.
Evaluate if a therapist would be helpful.
Engage in positive self talk- “I survived and I will thrive.” “I can’t change the past but I am stronger for it.”
Let your repressed feelings out in journaling or writing letters to your family (that you may or may not send)
Take care of your Body
Balance your diet with nutritious choices
Order your day to include exercise as well
as relaxation. Spend sometime outdoors.
Decide to pamper your body once a
week with a massage, manicure, long
bubble bath, foot soak, clean sheets,
scented lotion etc..
Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and other eastern
disciplines- condition the body, mind and spirit.
Take care of your Spirit
Seek a spiritual community
Pray, meditate, worship,breathe
Investigate wisdom from past philosophers, prophets, poets etc..
Read for pleasure
Invest in a hobby or some form creative self expression
Take time to be grateful for all the blessings that are mixed in with the
Take care of your Feelings
Find a friend or a support group who has experienced divorce – talk it out.
Evaluate if a therapist would be helpful.
Engage in positive self talk- “I survived and I will thrive.” “I can’t change the past but I am stronger for it.”
Let your repressed feelings out in journaling or writing letters to your family (that you may or may not send)
Take care of your Body
Balance your diet with nutritious choices
Order your day to include exercise as well
as relaxation. Spend sometime outdoors.
Decide to pamper your body once a
week with a massage, manicure, long
bubble bath, foot soak, clean sheets,
scented lotion etc..
Yoga, Pilates, Tai Chi and other eastern
disciplines- condition the body, mind and spirit.
Take care of your Spirit
Seek a spiritual community
Pray, meditate, worship,breathe
Investigate wisdom from past philosophers, prophets, poets etc..
Read for pleasure
Invest in a hobby or some form creative self expression
Take time to be grateful for all the blessings that are mixed in with the